Sunday, August 20, 2006

God's Will: Flexible or Concrete?

This post is in response to a conversation I had with Truitt (and Truitt, if I botch this up in anyway, please feel free to correct me or clarify the discussion/thought pattern). I think the main question we were searching to answer in our conversation is: Is God's Will flexible? Or, to put it another way, are there situations in life in which God does not care which action is performed (or not performed)? Let me provide a series of examples.

Right now, in the panty, there are two boxes of cereal waiting to be devoured by me. One is Raisin Bran from Harris Teeter. The other is Frosted Maple and Brown Sugar Shredded Bite Sized Wheats from Trader Joe's (quite a name, huh? Feel free to take a breather after that one.....). If a straight interpretation of Ephesians 1:11 is taken, does God ordain my action of eating one of the cereals tomorrow (as I plan on doing, LORD willing)? Does it matter to Him? If, as I read in that article referred by Van Diesel, that God indicates through His Holy Word that He ordains even things like dice rolling and travel plan completion, where does breakfast selection fall in line?

Say you have a dollar to donate, and two different missionaries need that dollar. You perceive that both missionaries have equal need, and that 50 cents will not do: each needs the entire dollar for ministry. Is it possible through prayer that a Christian can receive a conviction to give the dollar to one of them, but not receive specific revelation as to which one should be the beneficiary? Is this scenario possible, and if so, would God be honored equally no matter which missionary received the dollar, or is His will so specific that giving to one would be honoring, and giving to the other would be sinful?

Chew on this real example. After reading the church bulletin tonight, I see two activities for September 9th: church-wide prayer and house painting for a missionary. Both seem like excellent investments of my time. Is it possible that I could be convicted to participate in one of them, but not convicted to the point where I sense that God is leading me to one, but not the other? (This, of course, is assuming that the events overlap each other, which may not actually be the case).



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